
Cost Segregation Studies

Save time and maximize return on investment with IRS compliant cost segregation reports.

Increase Cost Seg ROI

Maximize your tax benefits, all while reducing time and effort, thanks to our AI technology.

Automate the busy work
Our technology automates over 90% of the manual tasks involved in a cost seg study.
Maximize Tax Benefit
Our AL & ML technology along with our cost segregation experts will make sure you maximize your benefit.
Reduced Time and Increased Effeciency
Turn around your projects faster.
A Trusted Resource Come Tax Filing Time
If your CPA or tax advisor has questions or needs assistance during tax season, we're happy to be a resource.
Digestable Reports
Our reports will be easy to understand and you can use our conversational AI feature to ask questions about your report.
Audit Support
Audit support provided by our IRS controversy experts is included.

Unlock Your Potential

Accelerate your tax savings so you can deploy that capital into other investment opportunities and capital improvements.

Increase Your Cash Flow with a modern solution

Cost Segregation Studies provide incredible tax benefits to real estate investors. However, they're typically expensive, time intensive, and inefficient. We're changing that.

  • Accelerate up to 40% of your purchase price in depreciation
  • Frictionless process from start to finish
  • Fraction of the cost of a typical study
white and red wooden house beside grey framed magnifying glassby Tierra Mallorca

SegTax Features

Utilize modern technology to transform outdated processes, saving you time and money, all while maximizing tax benefit.

Chat with our AI Powered Virtual cost seg expert

Our virtual cost seg expert will make sure to collect all the necessary information and documentation from you

LiDAR 3D Scan Technology

Our proprietary software allows for easy and accurate 3D scanning, saving you from having to pay expensive engineers and CPAs to come out for site visits.

Document Data Extraction and Classifiction

Documents such as settlement statements, surveys, appraisals, and floorplan scans come into the platform, necessary information will be extracted, identified, and reclassified.

Cost Segregation Expert Review

Our team has decades of experience in cost segregation, we have flipped the current process and allow the software to do the heavy lifting before our experts get involved to review and make any changes necessary to maximize your benefit.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does SegTax LiDAR technology to analyze real estate properties?

We use LiDAR technology to scan and analyze your property with precision. This ensures that every detail of your property is accurately assessed, allowing us to maximize your depreciation deductions. LiDAR minimizes human error, speeds up the entire process, and allows us to efficiently pass the data into our AI models.

How does SegTax calculate the cost segregation benefits for my property?  

Our advanced AI and ML algorithms and expert reviews ensure precise calculations tailored to your property, optimizing your tax savings.

Is SegTax compliant with IRS guidelines?

Absolutely. Our methodologies align with IRS regulations, and our reports are reviewed by certified tax professionals to ensure compliance.

How long does it take to get a cost segregation study done?

Our automated solution delivers results in 2-7 days.

I have another question

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Save time and maximize cost segregation return on investment
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